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Paul Webb
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Messages : 1
Enregistré le : 10 sept. 2014 18:18

New member

Message par Paul Webb »

Hi folks, by way of introduction I am Paul Webb, a retired surveyor living in Dorset in Southern England and am interested in most aspects of narrow gauge. I draw and write about narrow gauge, the booklets I have had published are Sylvasprings Watercress Narrow Gauge and just newly out, "Shifting Stout", the story of transport at Guinness brewery in Dublin. I started drawing and writing articles on narrow gauge for the British 009 Society in the 1980s but are now writing for the Moseley Narrow Gauge Railway Trust, I am part way though writing a book about the Alicante to Denia railway and tramway in Spain and am researching for about 12 to 15 more, including Laxey lead mine on the Isle of Man, Oakhill Brewery in Somerset, Kettering furnaces, Hadfields steelworks and Somerset Peat railways to name a few, my books are illustrated with photos, drawings and scale drawings.
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le poète
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Enregistré le : 19 janv. 2010 21:54

Re : New member

Message par le poète »

Hello Paul,

Welcome on board
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Franco Verzetti
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Enregistré le : 03 juin 2008 15:59

Re : New member

Message par Franco Verzetti »

Hi Paul, welcome among us!