Voici la réponse directement de l'auteur ....
Tim's fame has now spread to the 'far side' .....
C'est une belle surprise!
On 2/12/2025 at 10:04 AM, Franco said:
First of all have my congratulations and those of my french friends of GEMME ... :ymapplause::ymapplause:
Just noted that you gave a double bend to the track while the prototype has a single bend and turns off centered, must suppose it was easier wasn't it?
I had a lot of stability issues with the earlier designs, so stuck with a centered design, having gotten it to work I am now going to have a go with an off-centre version, which has the advantage of reducing the curve. The curvature of the point is the primary limiting factor on train length now.
Edited 15 hours ago by tim1mw
Pour les non anglophones:
Dans les premières versions j'ai eu beaucoup de soucis de stabilité donc je m'était tourné vers celle avec le pivot au centre, comme j'ai résolu les problèmes je suis en train d'essayer la version "excentrique" qui a l'avantage de réduire la courbe. Maintenant le souci principal est la limitation de longueur des convois due à la courbure du pont.
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